Part 48: Magic Windfall
Update 48: Magic Windfall
Good morning! Bush has managed to rub most of the sleep out of his eyes today. That is to say, the screenshot quality should have returned to as it was.
(It can still get better, but that'll come in a couple of updates.)

It's raining again, of course.

Outside on the farm, we've got carrots, green peppers, and the usual yams on the ready for harvest. We've also got some Charm Blues almost ready too.
I just pick a small supply of each to keep for personal use, then leave the rest for Grant to harvest.

Morning, Anette! Hit me with those hot off the press letters!

~"A favor" - Ganesha~
I'm making armor for a customer,
but I'm all out of ingredients!
Could you send me an Iron?
I have no one else to ask.
We've got a pretty high FP with Ganesha now so I'm not surprised to see a letter from her.
Unfortunately, Iron is pretty much the one metal I just don't have on the regular. I don't even know where to find it outside of a few locations.

~"Minerva" - Eunice~
Minerva has returned home.
I loved her like my own sister,
so I am a bit saddened by this.
But she promised to come by
from time to time, so I am
looking forward to that.
Even reading this letter now it takes me a bit to notice it's from Eunice. I keep thinking it's from Tabatha and going "but she IS your sister".

~"We're the same!" - Tart~
Actually... I like books very much,, too.
...I guess we're more alike than we
thought... I'll be going on a trip soon
with a friend... that is very much like
me... so I won't be able to write you
for a while. I'll write again, once I return.
Perhaps... one day... you and I could
go on a trip... together.
Tart always takes so long to respond, but I suppose she has to get the ellipsis out of her system. It doesn't seem like she got all of it out this time.
I have no idea if this is her last letter or not, but at the end of the day, it's a cute callback to the first game. It would've been neat if she actually showed up, but between Cinnamon and Selphy + all the other Kardia girls here, she's not got much of a place.

~"Revised Menu" - Rita~
We have expanded our menu at
Snowstyle Tavern with extremely tasty items!
You'll love them all!
We guarantee it!
I didn't notice any change in their stock following this, so maybe it's just like Melody's occasional advertisement letters.

Maybe it's about time we check in with Magic Grandpa to see what's up with that book we gave him.

KANNO: Ah! Bush! I've been looking for you!!

BUSH: What's the matter? ...Don't tell me you...!

KANNO: That's right! I have finished decoding the book. This is huge! Even more so than I had imagined!

KANNO: Listen closely. This book is written about another world called the "Era of disconnect."

BUSH: Another world...?

KANNO: Yes. A world that exists together with ours but that could never cross over.

KANNO: That's what they call the "Era of disconnect."

KANNO: The fact that this book was found where you were means that Miss Mist has been taken to this other world.
I'm not exactly sure how that logic works, but who am I to question the guy who knows way more about the world than we do?

BUSH: Is there a way to go to this other world?!

KANNO: Now just hang on a sec.

BUSH: What is this...?

KANNO: You must first grow this Crystal Flower. This flower will be what guides you to the "Era of disconnect."

KANNO: However! This flower can only be grown by maidens.

KANNO: There are 12 seeds, so you should get help from 12 maidens.

KANNO: Candy is probably a bit too young to be considered a maiden.

BUSH: 12 young ladies, right? I'll give it a shot. Thank you!

You got Crystal Flower!

Or rather, Crystal Flower Seeds. 12 of them. Never explained where Kanno gets these, but luckily we do know 12 girls to hand these out to. The seeds are apparently the "essence of the soul"?
Crystal Flowers have been present in most RF games, though they're usually just normally grown, albeit with an extremely long growth timer. In the range of months to a whole year.
In Bush's timeline, girls can just grow these in 3 days. Rosetta being out of town will make this take longer, but luckily tomorrow is a Holiday.
I suppose we should get on handing them out.

CINNAMON: ...Bush.

BUSH: What is it?

CINNAMON: ...On a night with clear skies, I go with Melody and Lara for some astronomical observation.

BUSH: Oh, really? That sounds kind of romantic.

CINNAMON: Bush ... You should...come...

BUSH: Really?

CINNAMON: ...Come.

BUSH: So it's on the nights with clear skies, right? Okay!

CINNAMON: I'll be waiting...on the veranda of the clock tower.
Bush remains so oblivious he doesn't realize he just got asked on a sort of date.
All our work in the gift mines has paid off though, we're finally getting somewhere with Cinnamon!
It's been raining constantly, but tomorrow is a festival so it's guaranteed to be sunny. Perfect timing!

Hey, can you also grow this while you're at it?

CINNAMON: ... ... ...Fine.
Okay then...!

Up on Whale Island, we've got some more roses! Our wallet will appreciate this as Bush is as poor as he's ever been with just 4 gold in wallet the other day. Our pile of liquid assets have all been drained away on house upgrades and shopping lists of "milk, eggs, flour".

IRIS NOIRE: I'm actually not very good at cooking. I know that I should get some practice, but...
...That's it, she doesn't follow up on that. To be fair, they don't have any cooking utensils up here. They either subsist on flowers or Wooly blood or something. Do they even need to eat?
Anyways, can you two grow these flowers?

IRIS BLANCHE: My ancestors gathered in this land to bring back the Runes that were lost because of a magical creature.

IRIS BLANCHE: What I'm about to do seems to contradict the reason I'm here for in the first place...

IRIS BLANCHE: Even so... I will trust in your heart, Bush, and mine.

IRIS BLANCHE: I'll take good care of the seed you gave me.

IRIS NOIRE: A magical creature that endlessly absorbs Runes is sealed in the "Era of disconnect."

IRIS NOIRE: If it were to ever cross over into this world, all the Runes would disappear into it, and this world would eventually die.

IRIS NOIRE: Even so... I want to save Mist.

IRIS NOIRE: I'll take good care of the seed you gave me.
The Irises give some lore about the Era of Disconnect. It wasn't relevant info until now, so it was probably a vampire secret up until this point when the book was deciphered.
We also just didn't ask. Don't forget they've been up here singing non-stop to prevent the island from nuking the town on impact.

LARA: I just have to grow this, right?

LARA: Okay. I'll tend to it carefully.

LARA: Don't worry. Mist will return to us for sure. The heavens are watching over us.
Lara's not got a lot to say, but her hope is good to have.

SELPHY: I see... So you want me to grow this...

SELPHY: Sure! But in return, you gotta promise you'll let me read "Grimoire of Time," okay?

SELPHY: A book about another world! That is so cool!!
Selphy, as usual, has her priorities in order

SELPHY: This is the first time I've grown flowers, but I guess it can be fun.
Just remember, just like you, flowers don't do too well going days at a time without nourishment.
please don't let the plot important flower die

GANESHA: I think I've seen that maid, Tabatha, from somewhere. I can't remember from where though...
At this point, we could probably tell her. It wouldn't make a big difference now that the deal is already done.
I get the idea Ganesha doesn't really pay attention to politics anyways.

UZUKI: Sir Bush, you need not worry. I shall take full responsibility to grow it beautifully.
Interestingly, there seems to be some alternate dialogue that I assume happens if you haven't reunited her and Tsubute/ giving her more confidence in herself:
Alternate Dialogue posted:
UZUKI: ? This? I have arranged flowers before but never tried growing them...
UZUKI: Tsubute! Perhaps you could...
TSUBUTE: Young miss, you cannot be serious! This is about Miss Mist! This is your mission!
UZUKI: I know that! I was merely jesting.
Presumably it ends with the same line.

UZUKI: The autumnal leaves of this village are quite spectacular. They are almost as beautiful as the foliage in my country.

TSUBUTE: No, they far from the autumnal leaves of our country.

UZUKI: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Do not force your opinions on others.
Hell yeah, take that, Cicada Samurai Dad!

EUNICE: I was feeling lonesome ever since Mist disappeared. I'd be more than happy to help!

EUNICE: I'm actually pretty good at growing flowers. Leave it to me!
Do us proud, Eunice!

EUNICE: Minerva went home...

EUNICE: It'll get a bit lonely, but she promised she'll visit again.

EUNICE: We're pen pals now.
Must be a bit wild to be pen pals with a ruling queen.

TABATHA: Thank you very much. Receiving the Oatmeal on my birthday can be very nice.
It also happens to be Tabatha's birthday today! This puts her at near max LP, which she wasn't at already despite having completed her story.

TABATHA: Mist is a very important friend to me, so I'll do my best to grow it nicely.

TABATHA: I think it's wonderful to see the colors of the scenery change with the seasons.

TABATHA: Moderate heat and moderate cold can make animals and nature stronger.

TABATHA: Because we have summer and winter, we can appreciate spring and autumn.
Where I live, Summer just makes me glad any other season exists at all.

BIANCA: So Mist will come back if I grow this flower...? Hm... How interesting.

BIANCA: I've never grown flowers before, but I'll give it a shot. Of course, I won't ask Tabatha to do it for me.
Bianca may be spoiled and sheltered, but she's quite responsible when it comes to things that need to be done.

BIANCA: I received a wooden horse for a birthday when I was small, but I ended up not even riding it once and threw it away.

BIANCA: By the way, my birthday is on the 8th of summer. You better remember that.
Your birthday's already passed. I think I gave you some grass?
Off to deliver more plot seeds!

ANETTE: Yeah, for sure. Piece of cake!

ANETTE: ...Don't worry! I don't mean I'd actually eat it like a cake!

BRODIK: Even this rain can't wash away the blackness of your soul!

BRODIK: Ha ha ha!

brief detour for Gold ore

Looks like we've got a decent payday coming in!

Another brief detour happens, this time for a monster hide that we need for our Wristwatch. Then it's off to the bath to deliver our last plot seed for the day.

MELODY: It's kinda hard to believe that something like this can really save Mist.

MELODY: But, I'll do it. Mist is a good friend, so I'll gladly help.♪

For a significant period of time, Japanese bathhouses banned entry for those with tattoos as a way to try and keep out the yakuza.
In general, tattoos have had a stigma against them ever since they were used as criminal markings in the Edo period (1603 - 1867). That just carried forth throughout the years until the those with criminal tattoos just started decorating them on their own. Then they just had to ban tattoos altogether as it was losing it's intended purpose as punishment. That eventually got lifted, but the stigma remains.
These days, a number of onsen have no issue with tattoos (the claimed number is about a third of them), and foreigners are more likely to get a pass anyways in some places thanks to more recent pushes from Japan's tourism regulations.
Will this information ever be particularly useful? Probably not!

Time for Bush to make his own brand of wristwatches. Platinum + Gold + Silver + Monster Hide + Solid Point.
Bush already knows the exact hour and minute of the day at all times, but it's a good gear upgrade.

It's a pretty substantial jump on all stats, and trades out our Seal Immunity for Stun and Para Defense (improved resistance but not total) and a passive effect of less misses on our attacks.
The latter is the big part, as our new Demon Axe and even our old Crescent Axe seem to have generally poor accuracy.

Almost 400 DEF now, looking good, Bush!

I follow this up by skill grinding by using up all of our scrap metal lying around. We're on the verge of the final conflict, we don't really care about improving the level of our farm tools at this point.
This gets up to 47! From here, we can eventually look at making some new magic staves.

And at last, Bush goes to sleep at 6:22 PM. That's earliest he's went to bed in over a month.
Aaand next-

...Oh, haven't had one of these in a long time.

BLUE VOICE: Help. Help me. A great power is flowing into me.
BLUE VOICE: I don't know how much longer I can fight this power...
BLUE VOICE: If this power were to run rampant, nothing could stop it...

BLUE VOICE: Help me, please...
I'm working on it!

New day! Lara's worried about seeing the future, but Bush can't stop getting phoned up in his dreams.

Also, it's time to go insane listening to this almost all day again. Festival day!

Charm Blues are done! I'll stick 3 in the fridge so if I do need them later, I won't have to buy them from Lara.

Nothing to really do today until 9:00 AM, so Whale Island + various chores it is!

9:00 AM, it's Mystery Girl!


BUSH: What's wrong? Why do you look so down?

MYSTERY GIRL: I have run into a bit of a problem...

MYSTERY GIRL: Because of the rain, there was a landslide on a nearby mountain. And because of that, the carpenter couldn't come.

MYSTERY GIRL: I really can't do anything alone. I've said that I would build a church, but I always end up relying on others.

MYSTERY GIRL: It really makes me realize how powerless I am.

BUSH: It's not like that at all! Everyone is helping because you said you wanted to build a church here.

BUSH: Moving people to action is a talent that few people have. You really shouldn't blame yourself like this.

MYSTERY GIRL: R-really? Thank you so much! I feel much better now!

MYSTERY GIRL: So you'll come after the mountain pass is fixed... No, that'll take too long. How about another path...?
On she goes again about things that have never happened. Wonder what's up with her?
More importantly, when are you gonna give us your name?!
Even more importantly, Rosetta is here.

ROSETTA: Bush! What's going on?!

BUSH: W-what?

ROSETTA: The other day, I looked inside your shipping box and it was filled with nothing but rocks!

ROSETTA: You know how much trouble it was to get it all out?

BUSH: What?! I don't know anything about that!

ROSETTA: Don't ever do it again!
I only shipped roses and yams! Wait...

BUSH: How is your father?

ROSETTA: Not much progress. Maybe I should just let Danny run the store over here and focus on tending to my father...
It'll be some time yet before this all gets properly resolved. I think maybe next weekend we can start it towards being finished?
This all will delay the crystal seed part of the main quest by a few days though.

ROSETTA: Isn't today the Harvest Festival?

BUSH: Yes, it is.

ROSETTA: Why is everyone acting like they always do?

ROSETTA: The Harvest Festival is the day you express thanks to the earth. It's also the day where you pass out vegetables.

ROSETTA: This isn't the Harvest Festival!

BUSH: R-really? I thought this is how it's supposed to be...?

ROSETTA: No! Fine. I'll teach you then! We'll pass out vegetables for the next Harvest Festival and we'll get everyone excited!
So yeah, this is mostly another nothing festival until year 2. This game wasn't really designed for my cramming of everything possible into every day gameplay approach- it wants you to play for years.

ROSETTA: You want me to grow this...?

ROSETTA: I've known Mist for a long time, and it kinda makes me mad that this is the only thing I can do for her...

ROSETTA: But, okay. I'll take good care of it.
Last seed given! Now we just prepare for the big day.

LUTE: Because you keep buying my paintings, I'm getting more and more inspiration to keep drawing, Bush.

LUTE: I can't express my thanks enough, Bush.
Lute, my man!
It'll take some time before he shows up with another painting.

Since we're here, I go ahead and buy up to the max level pharmacy. We don't even really care about any recipes that use 5-6 ingredients, it's just a flex. We do need the mid tier one at least.

We can buy the double bed next week, we're not getting married just yet.

LARA: It seems that Trampoli doesn't have the custom of giving out produce on Harvest Festival.
This place needs to step up their festival game!

LARA: Thank you. Today is the Harvest Festival after all. We must be thankful for the blessings of the earth.
Despite the half existence of this festival, some of the girls do react to us giving them vegetables.

MELODY: Thanks for the vegetables! It might be really nice if I float them in the bath.♪
I don't know how well a yam floats, but you do you, master of hot springs.

UZUKI: Does this country not have the practice of passing out vegetables on the Harvest Festival?

UZUKI: Of course, that is a good thing because I do not like vegetables.
Well, guess what? You still get a gift of festival cheer (read: a yam)
You can cut it for practice, I don't really mind. I've got too many of the things anyways.

UZUKI: I do not like vegetables... But, I will still thank you for it, Bush.

DANNY: I ordered a ton of summer vegetable seeds by mistake...

DANNY: She's going to get mad at me...
Sell them to me, I'll buy them all for 5000g, offer final by the end of the day.
I don't have a use for them, I'm just willing to bail you out on this.

ANETTE: So today is the Harvest Festival. Bush, you're new to the village so you probably don't know about it.

ANETTE: In Trampoli's Harvest Festival there's no custom of passing out vegetables. But, I always thought that was traditional.
Rosetta and Bush are gonna fix that- have a yam.

ANETTE: Thanks! What should I make with this?! I can't wait!
I don't remember if yams are actually involved with anything on her list of foods she comments on after a mail run.

TABATHA: I will have to express thanks to the sun, rain, and earth.

TABATHA: I would like to have a very proper meal today. But I suppose that Miss Bianca would not like that.

TABATHA: I would like to give this to you, Bush. I am merely sharing the blessings of the earth.
You got Spinach!
See, it's catching on already!

TABATHA: Thank you very much. The Harvest Festival is such a nice festival.

BIANCA: Today is the Harvest Festival. If you brought a vegetable, give it to me. I'll accept it specially just for today.
Even Bianca's here for it!

BIANCA: What is this? Even though it's the Harvest Festival, can't you bring me something better?

BIANCA: But, I'll still accept this.
the level 1 yams are not good enough
who could've seen this coming

Just gonna go farm metal I don't need while we recover from this massive blow to our self-esteem as a farmer

STELLA: A long time ago, we had heavy rain and a landslide ruined the mountain pass.

STELLA: It took 5 years for that pass to be cleared.
Hrm, where have we heard that before?

Following this, I go grind a Wet Scale from the flying fish on Whalse Island. This is needed to make our next hammer upgrade, even if it's kinda late and we don't need it anymore.
Just cleaning up some loose ends I guess, Bush deserves a bling hammer.

Melody's not in the bathhouse...?
Oh! Right! The thing with Cinnamon! She never gave us a time, but we should check that! Can't afford to miss it, we may never see a sunny day again at this rate.
(The event opens up at exactly 7:00 PM

Usually no reason to come out here, but the view's nice.

We are struck with a fade to black as we go up the stairs!

*We open to a shot from the top of the clock tower, looking all the way up to the bridge at Lake Poli.*

*We then pan down to Cinnamon, Lara, and Melody waiting at the ladder up.*

MELODY: Hey, it's Bush!!

LARA: Bush, over here!

*Bush runs up the stairs to meet them.*

LARA: You're late, Bush.

CINNAMON: We can see some shooting stars tonight. You have great timing.

MELODY: I can't wait anymore. Let's go to the roof!♪


MELODY: Bush, climb up first.

BUSH: Huh? Why?

MELODY: Because I said so, dummy!

BUSH: ???
Oh, Bush, ever oblivious. You're the only one here not wearing a skirt, my guy.
...Well, actually you do have that kinda skirt thing on, but the point stands.

*Up Bush goes...*

*Then Cinnamon...*

*We then cut to Lara finishing her ascent.*

LARA: Melody, everyone's up here now.

MELODY: I'm coming!♪ The winds are strong today.

*And so she climbs...*

*But suddenly a large gust of wind comes by!*

MELODY: ...!

*She struggles to hold on!*

*She falls!*

BUSH: Melody!!

LARA: Noooooo!!

*A flash of white, as the sound of magic swirls!*

*We cut back to a CG of Melody surrounded in rainbow light, suspended from the ground- Cinnamon reaching out to her.*

MELODY: Huh...? I...

MELODY: What's happening to me?

BUSH: Cinnamon, I thought you couldn't use magic anymore!

CINNAMON: I don't know. I was...frantic...

*Melody is lowered back down on the top of the tower.*

CINNAMON: But I'm glad Melody is all right...

LARA: I guess your wishes reached the heavens, Cinnamon.

CINNAMON: Maybe...

*Our view shifts to the sky above...*

MELODY: Look! A shooting star! ♪

LARA: I hear that if you say your wish 3 times before the shooting star disappears, it'll come true.

MELODY: Really? Let's try it on the next one!♪

MELODY: There! I wish there were more kinds of baths... Darn it! It's gone!
Even after a near death experience, her priorities never change

BUSH: But still, I don't know what would have happened if Cinnamon hadn't used her magic there.

MELODY: I thought I was finished for sure!

MELODY: I still have lots of hot springs I haven't gone to yet!

MELODY: And all the hot springs I visited before flashed before my eyes...

BUSH: But how were you able to use magic all of a sudden?

CINNAMON: Grandpa said that I became unable to use it because I lost the passion inside me.

LARA: So you thought you had to do something when you saw Melody falling?

CINNAMON: ...I think so.

CINNAMON: But, it seems I'm fine now. I can use magic again.

CINNAMON: I think...
This would make the second time in her life that Melody has been saved by a wizard.

MELODY: I guess my clumsiness was able to help out. ♪

MELODY: Thank you, Cinnamon.

CINNAMON: ...It's okay. ...We are friends.

MELODY: Cinnamon...
(not pictured in the portraits: both of them blushing quite a lot)

CINNAMON: Look, another shooting star. There are so many today.

*Many shooting stars follow until a fade to black...*

MELODY: Thanks for today! I had a lot of fun!♪

LARA: Please invite me again.
Melody got over nearly falling to her death quite quickly. Just truly carefree.

*All but Cinnamon turn to leave...*

CINNAMON: Thank you, Bush...

BUSH: But, I didn't do anything...

CINNAMON: You did... Thank you...

*And so we fade to black...*
That's Cinnamon's storyline!
Yup, just a single event at LP 9. There was a lot more Kanno dialogue we just didn't get because Magic Grandpa is stubborn.
Here's perhaps the most relevant info we missed...
KANNO: Being pampered as a prodigy, Cinnamon lost her passion for magic little by little.
BUSH: Why is that?
KANNO: She might have started to doubt why the adults around her pampered her for what she thought was ordinary.
KANNO: ...But only Cinnamon knows the real reason why.
KANNO: One thing I can say is that Cinnamon has completely lost interest in magic.
KANNO: And Cinnamon stopped using magic. Or rather, she could not use it anymore. This happened 10 years ago.
KANNO: I had hoped she would regain her interest in magic again if she was in a different environment... So I called her here.
So there you have it. There's an implication that her quiet, nearly emotionlessness is a result of this, with the magic being born out of emotion in the first place. Over the course of the playthrough, we've seen her become both more talkative and overall more expressive as well.
What exactly sparked the return in magic? Well, Bush won't be able to figure it out, that's for sure.
I'm just surprised that each character had unique animations for climbing the ladder/getting off. This game doesn't usually go that far on that sort of thing and would usually do a fade to black instead.

So we return to our typical habits for the night- the event moves the clock forward 3 hours.

Bush is going to work out the last of his energy for the night with some magic practice...

...And it's off to bed. Catch you next time!

Oh, here's some dialogue I didn't catch. I believe this is Erik's, it's in with his lines in the file.
Bush gives crystal seeds to Erik posted:
ERIK: Why are you giving this to me, young man?!
ERIK: Listen carefully. Give this seed to 12 maidens. M-A-I-D-E-N-S.
ERIK: Maidens refer to young women! Though I am quite attractive, don't even think about giving it to me!